The people said Cain. Then Bachmann. Then Perry. Then Cain again.
The media likes the gays a lot more than Santorum does.
Santorum is not faking his socon creds. He admits he isn’t tea party. Is not limited constitutional government, leave it to the states. But I think I’d rather have Fed Gov forcing Conservative than forcing liberal.
Santorum is a real deal socon. And a good debater. Not likeable, but he might be the most capable of ripping an opponent to shreds in a debate.
He’s working hard in Iowa.
In the beginning my top three were Bachmann, Santorum then Cain. As I became acquainted with their views, first Santorum was crossed out, then Bachmann was crossed out, leaving the man with the plan who can, Herman Cain. And it will always be Herman Cain for this lady.
With the Communist media so strongly against Herman Cain’ with the leftist RNC so solidly against him, doesn’t anyone who calls themselves Conservative understand that Conservative Herman Cain is who they fear the most? So they change the minds of those Moderates, not Conservatives decide the bald faced lies being told about Herman Cain on Free Re[public are turning to egomaniac, establishment favorite, flip flopper loose cannon, Newt Gingrich? No wonder the country is going to hell in a hand basket!
Fortunately the people voting in the straw bolls are sticking with the best man running since Ronald Reagan, Herman Cain.