They RELY on "open minds" and folks who want "to be fair to both sides". You do not have an open mind, you have a trained, battle-tested, mind. You are a great Freeper of long-standing.
They are pitching to a market willing to accept as a given that any MAN is prone to such misbehavior, a mindset of readily presumed guilt. All they have to do is throw out false charges, charge after charge, yet even a fog of such utterly false charges has no fire in the middle of it.
Where there is smoke there will be a fire, but where there is a fog there is no fire at all. These malevolent attacks against Mr. Cain are all a FOG.
“Where there is smoke there will be a fire, but where there is a fog there is no fire at all.”
I am going to take that if I may. Nice images.