If I remember correctly from an article last year...this charger business was brought up in California. You had to buy the specialized charger which ran around $1k, but you had to pay an authorized electrician (by state law in Cal) to hook this up. This charger, by definition of state law there, required an industrial rate and separate hook up....because of more wattage being drawn....so your house electrical bill would have gone up significantly if you went in this direction. Whatever you think you saved from not using gas....you burned up fairly close the same amount from electricity.
Here’s the curious thing. I would imagine that if half the nation switched and at least one electric car per family....we’d need at least two dozen more power plants around the US and most folks would be paying in the $500 a month range for their house power and electrical power. If you bought into utility stock right now....in twenty years...you’d be making huge dividends every month and laughing over the profit of your stock over a twenty year period.
More significant than the energy consumption of the battery rechargers, is the tier rate hike for the rest of your normal household energy demand. Current estimates indicated that once the additional battery recharging loads applied to the average consumption rates, each household with a battery charger would escalate their regular power costs by around $300/mo, independent of the charger consumption rates.