Show me where due process exists in employment law regarding institutional policies.
At my employer, if I witness a physical altercation between two other employees, I am required to report it not only to my direct superior, but separately to HR as well. You just don't get it do you?
The leftist teacher's union has obviously worked its magic on your soul.
You think that Due Process ISNT a part of Employment Law?!?! Especially in public institutions?!?! Wow. Okay. Not much point in going on after that. (hint: it is)
Good enough? ROFL
I thought according to liberal mantra being homo was o.k. and not to be frowned upon. The problem as I see it is that Joe didn’t step in after witnessing an acceptable liberal-social act.
Latest argument I heard was that this has nothing to do with homosexuality but that of pedaphelia. Is this not Penn State? Hmmm. Pedephelia, eh?
It NEVER ceases to amaze me to the degree that leftists are willing to move the goal-post (and how often they’re wanton to do that with respect to their own intersts).
The liberal-socialist leftists are running Joe out on the rails for something else.