Can anyone tell me how this all got started? Did one of the victims come forward and that’s what got the guy arrested on Saturday? Everything I have read so far starts with him being arrested, I can’t find out how it came to be.
There were incidents off and on for 15 years. Everyone passed the buck.
An investigation began in ernest 3 years ago and culminated with Sandusky’s arrest last weekend.
The victims have doubled in 2 days.
Sandusky was working at a high school doing stuff with the kids. One kid complained to his mom (this was in 2009) about inappropriate advances. Mom went to the school, the school went to the authorities, and they began investigating.
After 1 - 2 years, the investigation progressed enough to bring him up on charges via grand jury.
The snowball started rolling down hill from there.
I think I got it right.......