Herman Cain is TOO Black and TOO Conservative....both the left and the moderate right are terrified of this American. Who is paying that blonde and how much to get her to tell such a lie?....Gloria Allred has been hired by someone and it ain't that ditzy, broke, lying blonde.
I wish Herman Cain would just say being Black and a Conservative is pure poison to anti-America and throw this accusation back in their faces.
I hadn’t given it a thought before, perhaps I just assumed Allred was working for the usual third contingency that lawyers get.
But-—But-—You are right.
There is no money involved here. This woman came out of nowhere and she is not suing anyone.
She is probably not so rich that she can just hire Allred to Represent her, in a case with no money involved that she could have just as well stayed out of.
Although I am sure Allred is getting paid, I believe she is a big enough news-whore that perhaps she would perhaps,work for nothing.
There are many people who would probably pay her. If we speculate we are being unfair, but lets do it anyway. SEIU, Soros, AFL/CIO, Romney,Obama,even NOW., Any one of them could bve paying Allred. It would be fun to know.
You’re absolutely right as to the questions you are asking. There is a shadow government that is too close to transforming America into a France-like social, anti=capitalist dump and they will do anything to keep that dream alive. I do not care if people say that is conspiracy theory or that I’m a crank. It’s obvious and people need to wake up.