His children are all adopted. According to the indictment his wife called one of the boys before he was to testify. The boy was smart enough to ignore her call along with another from her husband and one of his friends,
The serious question of homosexuality and pedophilia needs to be put front and center. The correlation is very high. There is plenty of sexual abuse of girls and young women, and that is an equally terrible crime. But when you look at the Catholic church issues, for example, it's not that they overlooked pedophilia - it's that they had adverse selection for homosexuality working in their priesthood. And that is tantamount to inviting pedophilia.
It seems to me that some of the same people who want to amplify the outrage over this Penn State situation are some of the same people who are advocating for gay marriage and rights of all sorts based on sexual orientation. And part of that argument is to say that gays are no different than anyone else, except for sexual preference. Well, then the issue of homosexual pedophilia comes up, doesn't it?
In for a penny - in for a pound - if you want to vent and attack Joe Paterno, be my guest, I carry no portfolio for the guy or the school. But also face the predominance of homosexuality in pedophilia and explain and acknowledge the relationship between the two.