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Ron Paul's Statement of Faith (says he's "accepted Jesus Christ")
Pundit House ^ | July 13, 2011 | Ron Paul

Posted on 11/06/2011 6:40:00 PM PST by Kurt Evans

My faith is a deeply private issue to me, and I don't speak on it in great detail during my speeches because I want to avoid any appearance of exploiting it for political gain. Let me be very clear here: I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate...

America became the greatest nation in human history because a dedicated band of Patriots believed their God-given rights were worth fighting for, even if it meant challenging the world's most powerful nation in what many deemed a "hopeless" cause...

Since I'm asking for your vote and your trust to lead this nation, let me tell you a little bit about my background and beliefs.

My parents raised my four brothers and me on a dairy near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where they set clear examples for each of us about faith, honest living, and individual responsibility. Their Christian values helped inspire two of my brothers to eventually enter the ministry, and provided me with the foundation I needed to practice medicine and one day become a U.S. Representative.

In addition to my time in Congress, I am proud to have delivered over 4,000 babies as a country doctor in Texas. As I trained to practice medicine, I became convinced without a doubt that life begins at the moment of conception. I never performed an abortion, and I never once found an abortion necessary to save the life of the mother. In fact, I successfully helped women struggling with their pregnancies to seek other options, including adoption...

We must stand for life—not allow millions of innocent children to continue to be slaughtered with the government's approval.

We must follow the Biblical mandate of using honest weights and measures—not printing money out of thin air in almost complete secrecy and then handing it over to oppressive dictators.

We must only send our men and women to fight for our country when the mission is clear, every tool needed to win is provided, and we respect the Constitution by declaring war...

As President, I give you my word that I will only exercise my authority within the confines of the Constitution, and I will work every day to rein in a runaway federal government by binding it with the chains of that document.

TOPICS: Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2012; bornagain; christians; elections; galvestonsnoopy; gop; larouchies; makeitstop; paul; paul2012; prolife; rino; ronpaul; ronpaulandgod; ronpaulsucks
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To: jd777; Hemingway's Ghost
I don't lose my cool at all and certainly not in #353. You want to be associated with paleoPaulie, the Galveston treasonweasel? Be my guest but as my grandomther (and probably your grandmother as well) used to say: show me your friends and I'll tell you what you are. You are supporting Stormfront's candidate for POTUS, Ahmadinejad's candidate for POTUS, Al Qaeda's candidate for POTUS.

That was no joke. Ron Paul's position of federal enforcement against the Sanduskys of this world and Sandusky's position are one and the same: that the federales should not interfere with Sandusky's "hobbies" because paleoPaulie is hiding behind the 10th Amendment. Read the Grand Jury Report and note that Sandusky often took the 10-year-olds across state lines to molest them, rape them, etc. Now, paleoPaulie would want evidence that Sandusky paid money to the kids in exchange to fit under the interstate commerce clause. The feds long ago passed white slavery legislation against taking women (adult women too) across state borders for immoral purposes (i.e. prostitution but applicable beyond that as well). I am not enraged by libertarianism as such but want to see its Paulistinian version eliminated from the conversation as too ludicrous to be bothered with.

Ask your do nothing about anything idol what he would DO as to Sandusky and no, pious platitudes about how shameful the behavior of Sandusky will not suffice. What would El Run DO about interstate child rape?

I certainly need not worry about rejecting outright the paleosurrenderman. 95% of Republicans reject him consistently. He does not get POTUS votes at polling places. He spams internet polls and straw polls using his crowd of anti-war, anti-American, anesthetized, left-wing, homosexuality supporting, abortion craving college student enthusiasts. Actual voters, not so much and barely 5% and a lot of those "crossover Demonrats and left independents. We won't be hearing much more of 76-year old El Run after he gets his patoot thoroughly kicked into oblivion by Republican primary voters. The 89 seconds he got in last night's 2 hour debate may have been more than he has earned. Ron Paul is a bad joke, pure and simple. So are Mittwit and Huntsman. Fear any one of them???? Puhleeze!!! They may look good to you in Manhattan and to HG in Taxachusetts but not so much in America and certainly never to actual conservatives.

441 posted on 11/14/2011 10:56:42 PM PST by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Club: Burn 'em Bright!!!)
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To: Hemingway's Ghost
Perversion is only one area in which your idol deviates from cognizable conservatism. He poses for holy pictures at endless press conferences, issuing countless press releases but the bottom line is the he REFUSES to DO anything about abortion, a wide variety of sexual perversions, the enemies of our nation, ending earmarks instead of stuffing every appropriations bill with them and then voting against the bill knowing his colleagues will pass his pork to get their own. His bottom line on social issues is to make believe he follows Christian positions against abortion and homosexuality while hiding behind his idea of the Tenth Amendment as his excuse for never DOING anything. He is a fraud and a serial liar about the most important issues facing this nation which are not mere money obsessions.

Stinking garbage??? Keep away from that mirror of yours. I don't think anyone died and left you to judge the impact that anyone makes on this thread. Are you beating that army of Paulistinian admirers away with a stick or did they never materialize here or anywhere other than stuffed straw polls and spamfests?

You are a Paulistinian and I am retarded??? Right, chief! You ought to check out the specials on Ron Paul signature model straitjackets at Filene's Bargain Basement or similar Beantown outlets. With the candidate you support, you will need at least one.

If I or my cause (actual conservatism) or my reputation had your respect, I would be forced to double check my premises.

Whatever would be shameful about despising the candidacy of El Run the Stormfront candidate, serial liar and two-faced treasonweasel? Whatever could be????

I will certainly match IQs with you any day.

Care to predict El Run's percentage of the POTUS primary vote, even including the Demonrats and left independents who are his base? If you say more than 10%, then you are delusional and should give that crack pipe a well-deserved rest.

442 posted on 11/14/2011 11:18:02 PM PST by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Club: Burn 'em Bright!!!)
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To: Hemingway's Ghost

Call to the cavalry? It is a call for entertainment. El Run and his love slaves are comic relief, nothing more. They can respond if they wish or not waste time on you if they choose not to.

443 posted on 11/14/2011 11:21:45 PM PST by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Club: Burn 'em Bright!!!)
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To: BlackElk

You have past away Black Elk - seek ye a mortician.

444 posted on 11/14/2011 11:34:19 PM PST by jd777
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To: jd777; BlackElk; Allegra
"You have past away Black Elk - seek ye a mortician."(sic)

Quaint anachronisms such as "seek ye" only work well when you demonstrate a sufficient command of standard English to avoid making mistakes such as substituting "past" for "passed."

Otherwise, they only sound awkward and embarrassing.

But I suppose we should make allowances for you. It is, after all, well past your bedtime.
445 posted on 11/15/2011 12:11:59 AM PST by shibumi (Cover it with gas and set it on fire.)
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To: shibumi

Good point. You win!

446 posted on 11/15/2011 12:37:07 AM PST by jd777
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To: shibumi

Here’s his Elk head. Put it over your fireplace.

447 posted on 11/15/2011 12:46:35 AM PST by jd777
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To: shibumi

theres no excuse for bad grammar - But you stung me -so credit is due.

But you didnt need that song at the end.

That was a little corny.

448 posted on 11/15/2011 1:06:55 AM PST by jd777
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To: BlackElk
The halitosis that emitted from your mouth as you posted those last three screeds must have been overwhelming. For surely you're the type who talks when he types . . . you probably move your lips as you read, too.

So here I am, wasting my precious time insulting an incontinent, phlegmatic, dried dog excrement of an old man who lacks the intellectual acumen of your garden-variety ditch digger. Can we wrap this up? To save time, I'll provide all the intellectual content of everything you've ever posted on this thread right now, for this is the tenor of your comebacks to everything:

Galveston treasonweasel
Al Qaeda
El Run

Intellectually, you couldn't match wits with a fencepost. Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself. Sandusky? Wow. And the best part is you actually tried to make a logical case for it. Just wow.

Now go away and dream sweet dreams of burning your enemies at the stake.

449 posted on 11/15/2011 6:39:21 AM PST by Hemingway's Ghost (Spirit of '75)
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