Posted on 11/06/2011 6:40:00 PM PST by Kurt Evans
My faith is a deeply private issue to me, and I don't speak on it in great detail during my speeches because I want to avoid any appearance of exploiting it for political gain. Let me be very clear here: I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate...
America became the greatest nation in human history because a dedicated band of Patriots believed their God-given rights were worth fighting for, even if it meant challenging the world's most powerful nation in what many deemed a "hopeless" cause...
Since I'm asking for your vote and your trust to lead this nation, let me tell you a little bit about my background and beliefs.
My parents raised my four brothers and me on a dairy near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where they set clear examples for each of us about faith, honest living, and individual responsibility. Their Christian values helped inspire two of my brothers to eventually enter the ministry, and provided me with the foundation I needed to practice medicine and one day become a U.S. Representative.
In addition to my time in Congress, I am proud to have delivered over 4,000 babies as a country doctor in Texas. As I trained to practice medicine, I became convinced without a doubt that life begins at the moment of conception. I never performed an abortion, and I never once found an abortion necessary to save the life of the mother. In fact, I successfully helped women struggling with their pregnancies to seek other options, including adoption...
We must stand for lifenot allow millions of innocent children to continue to be slaughtered with the government's approval.
We must follow the Biblical mandate of using honest weights and measuresnot printing money out of thin air in almost complete secrecy and then handing it over to oppressive dictators.
We must only send our men and women to fight for our country when the mission is clear, every tool needed to win is provided, and we respect the Constitution by declaring war...
As President, I give you my word that I will only exercise my authority within the confines of the Constitution, and I will work every day to rein in a runaway federal government by binding it with the chains of that document.
Fish in barrel...
Ha! That's the spirit, BlackElk. Let out all the poison. Let it flow. Evacuation is good for the soul. Don't leave that bile bottled up inside you.
Good stuff. Keep it going, man. Train your guns on me, and Paul, by proxy, before you train your guns on our common opponent, Obama. It's a good warm-up for you, I guess. You need to hate. Your conservatism comes from hate, not from love. Hate, man. Hate.
You have to learn to keep your guard up, though. I was a model midshipman, a decent officer, and I'm as foul-mouthed in real life as I am here behind the protective curtain of the interwebs. The whelping part was a good line, but unfortunately, my father's a war hero. He's probably killed more men than you've dreamed of killing, if you can believe that. And you know what? He gets to live with that every day of his god d*mn life. Care to take a guess how he feels viz-a-viz this issue?
Apparently we at least have the relief that you are not likely to be in the service to actively subvert it and betray this country.
I've worn the uni, man. Second generation. My brother's out there right now. I love the USN more than you could possibly comprehend.
How eager were the midshipmen of your class to share the navy with public self-identified sashaying faggots as Dr. Demento advocates? We need no treasonweasels or Neville Chamberlains or Liberaces in our military.
Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.
My USNA's sponsor's brother was a swift boat officer in Vietnam. More medals for heroism than you have teeth in your head. Real heroism, too, not the Long John Kerry kind. Gay man. Yep. Went to his funeral service a few/five years ago. You know who was present? A real famous author (you'd know his name) who was a former Marine whose face was literally burned into something resembling a melted candle because of combat in Vietnam. He was there to say goodbye to his old friend and company-mate from the Harvard on the Severn. With honor.
Now, I'm not here to say that I believe homosexuality is compatible with the service, because I don't. I just found your rhetoric kind of funny, especially for one posing around here as a "gentleman." Seems you're pretty selective about applying that label.
AND, whatever you may think, there is nothing inconsistent in being a gentleman and an actual patriot.
Do you wear a monocle and a pin-striped, three-piece suit when you're "burnin' 'em bright," you ol' Marquess of Queensberry you?
You were bragging about the courage of your convictions. You certainly aren’t conservative. You won’t admit your liberalism. The remaining possibility was criminal convictions.
Of course not. That man was a genius. I'm a mere mortal.
Would you like to write novels like Hemingway? Maybe you could emulate him in other ways: serving the communists in the Spanish Civil War or, ummm, whatever? Try to reimburse the taxpayers for the money wasted on your education before you engage in the sincerest form of self-criticism.
I hang my head in shame.
BTW, the lyrics are not Ricky Nelson's. They are Brian Wilson's and were sung by the Beach Boys.
Forgive me, as I am aware of your tender sensibilities, but a crass remark really fits the bill here: "No sh*t, Sherlock."
I was thinking Ricky Nelson because of the tender '50s imagery in his song "Waitin' in School," but then I changed tack a bit with the syrupy Beach Boys lyrics for the second half.
One more evidence of your knowledge deficit to go along with your variety of moral shortcomings.
Oh no. Nice try, though.
Are you ready to return to DU and take your Manhattan twin with you?
I can't really return there if I've never been there, oh Grand Inquisitor, sir.
That was your idea of a joke? Wow.
You wont admit your liberalism.
Oh, I admit it alright. I'm a classic liberal in the mold of John Locke, minus the chapter on slavery. I'm a classic liberal, just like the guys who kicked off the whole program back in the 18th century. My ideological heroes include fellows named Samuel Adams and Joseph Warren.
What I am NOT is a statist. And there are statists on both sides of the modern political aisle.
Yep, but I'm done for now. :-)
One of 'em couldn't handle being outwitted, so he started accusing me of being a hooker, among other low, vile things.
When they have to resort to that, you know that they are not only utterly defeated, but also the sort of person I simply don't associate with.
Real classy people, these Paultards. :-)
I liken it to the scene in The Matrix where Neo is swatting the enemy with ease in slow motion
Lake Jackson's crazy uncle has so much baggage to criticize, that it illustrates how creepy his cult followers are. No one man is worthy of that kind of worship.
Re-read the link that Allegra provided at #338 to JimRob's definitive opinion on Ron Paul and his cult as of 9/30/07 which opinion has never been countermanded or withdrawn to the best of my knowledge.
I see no evidence from your posts that you are an opponent of Obama since your hero, the Galveston treasonweasel, shares Obama's foreign policy to a substantial extent: Kowtow, kiss enemy patoot, beg our nation's enemies to like us, "please, PLEASE LIKE US, your imamship!!!" The only difference is that Obozo continues to "fight" the wars as a means to further damage the military while you Paulistinian guys prefer to withdraw from the world, make almighty money (the one Paulistinian god) by trading with those enemies and posing for holy pictures as advocates of "peace, peace, when there is no peace."
Apparently your father's experiences in the military did not dissuade you from attending the Naval Academy. Something else there must be which causes your hostility to the military doing its job. That's between you and your therapist.
If you are really that foul-mouthed, go over to Southie and go into a tough working class bar, direct that foul-mouthed stream of verbiage at my cousins and get your ass kicked. I'm not returning to New England to do justice to the likes of you. Fortunately Southie is not running out of Irish any time soon.
Never wore a monocle. Three piece pinstriped suits were and always will be a perfectly reputable attire. I have no problem with the word hate. Hate is appropriate against anyone and anything hateful like paleoPaulie and Neville Chamberlain and Cindy Sheehan and Sean Penn and Code Pink and John Kerry and Al Gore and Deval Patrick and Pat Quinn and Dickie Durbin and Nancyboy Kirk many, many more. As to the term "gentleman," I am certainly selective not to apply it to the likes of you.
Now go back to DU or HuffPo or Infowars where you belong.
I used to be a libertarian state officer in my misspent youth. Then I grew up. You should try growing up.
I seem to remember that Hemingway chose the shotgun over the rope.
Who is so gross. That cannot see this palpable device?
Yet who so bold but says she sees it not?
Your nasty, slanderous accusations are indicative of a complete loser with a severe lack of morals and no class whatsoever. I have no desire for any further discourse with you and if you have any brain cells firing properly, you'll go away now.
I don't associate with people like you. Jim told you to knock it off; I strongly suggest you heed that advice. Got it?
Oh stow it Allah lover. You are not fit to clean the mud off her boots.
Oh stow it Allah lover. You are not fit to clean the mud off her boots.
Blah blah blah blah blah.
If you see "no evidence from" my "posts" that I'm an opponent of Obama it's because you're being willfully ignorant. It suits your purpose here to be so. Blah blah blah cult, blah blah blah treasonweasel, blah blah blah. This is really all you have: you've memorized FR insult memes for Ron Paul. You've no more life in you than does a clanging gong.
Apparently your father's experiences in the military did not dissuade you from attending the Naval Academy. Something else there must be which causes your hostility to the military doing its job. That's between you and your therapist.
How in the wide world of sports did you come up with the notion that I have a hostility to the military? I'm really beginning to question your grasp on reality.
I love the men and women who serve so much that I, for one, believe, we should only ask them to risk their lives when the survival of our nation is at risk; when there is no other way to save this nation than through bloodshed. That's love, man, not the passionate hate that you harbor for those who have different ideas than you have.
If you are really that foul-mouthed, go over to Southie and go into a tough working class bar, direct that foul-mouthed stream of verbiage at my cousins and get your ass kicked. I'm not returning to New England to do justice to the likes of you. Fortunately Southie is not running out of Irish any time soon.
Oh, brother. Save us the corn pone, will you? And "nice try" whipping out the Southie stuff. Southie is GENTRIFIED, man. Southie is condos and trendy sushi bars with flavored martinis. Southie is a bedroom for internet guys who want the address to give themselves "street cred." Hey, I'm cool, I go to Amhrein's on St. Patty's Day.
You want to play tough guy, go to Mission Hill, Roxbury, Mattapan, or Dorchester and mix it up with the Cape Verdean gangs. Go hang out in Codman Square. Hell, leave the yuppified city altogether, head north, and check out downtown Lawrence. Or go south instead and check out Fall River or Brockton.
I have no problem with the word hate.
That much is obvious. Your whole political ideology is based on it. So is your humor, Torquemada. Kind of sad, actually. I hope you're not an older gentleman, and that there's still time for you to put love at the center of your political ideology. Hate is destructive.
Now go back to DU or HuffPo or Infowars where you belong.
Blah, blah, blah.
The only people who have ever complained about my homepage have been a few Paulbots.
Understandable, since they tend to be aligned with Code Pink and detest anything that has to do with our national defense.
I’ve had many, many compliments and people have asked me to update it from time to time. The reason nobody else is in the pictures is for security purposes. I wouldn’t expect a Paulbot to understand that concept, though.
Paulbots are the most vile of the posters here. I’ve had Paulbots wish my death by bombing (both who did that were banned), Paulbots who have questioned my motives for my chosen field and now you and your sidekick making your nasty accusations.
Don’t come crying at me that you didn’t say it; your nasty buddy posted the most heinous of his filth to you and by your silence, you join him in his stench.
I am done with you.
I’m just a voice crying in the wilderness....
Make straight the way of the Lord!
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