Posted on 11/06/2011 6:40:00 PM PST by Kurt Evans
My faith is a deeply private issue to me, and I don't speak on it in great detail during my speeches because I want to avoid any appearance of exploiting it for political gain. Let me be very clear here: I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate...
America became the greatest nation in human history because a dedicated band of Patriots believed their God-given rights were worth fighting for, even if it meant challenging the world's most powerful nation in what many deemed a "hopeless" cause...
Since I'm asking for your vote and your trust to lead this nation, let me tell you a little bit about my background and beliefs.
My parents raised my four brothers and me on a dairy near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where they set clear examples for each of us about faith, honest living, and individual responsibility. Their Christian values helped inspire two of my brothers to eventually enter the ministry, and provided me with the foundation I needed to practice medicine and one day become a U.S. Representative.
In addition to my time in Congress, I am proud to have delivered over 4,000 babies as a country doctor in Texas. As I trained to practice medicine, I became convinced without a doubt that life begins at the moment of conception. I never performed an abortion, and I never once found an abortion necessary to save the life of the mother. In fact, I successfully helped women struggling with their pregnancies to seek other options, including adoption...
We must stand for lifenot allow millions of innocent children to continue to be slaughtered with the government's approval.
We must follow the Biblical mandate of using honest weights and measuresnot printing money out of thin air in almost complete secrecy and then handing it over to oppressive dictators.
We must only send our men and women to fight for our country when the mission is clear, every tool needed to win is provided, and we respect the Constitution by declaring war...
As President, I give you my word that I will only exercise my authority within the confines of the Constitution, and I will work every day to rein in a runaway federal government by binding it with the chains of that document.
I also performed detailed research on the evolution of strategic bombing and its transition into a peace keeping stance in the cold war and participated in studies of global terrorism and the development of strategies concerning same.
Now do you have some stats for me or are you going to keep running with that “I am right and you are wrong because I say so” Paulbot meme...
And I'm not even saying you're "wrong" . . . just that your "data" is anecdotal at best. And talk about a micro-sample! Fact is, I'm perplexed that someone with your august educational background threw anecdotal evidence out there as "proof" of anything in the first place. Surely you know better than that, yes?
Go back to smoking your “dobies”
Hear hear !
And it is more than what is offered on the web site. Who made up these donations? Branches, MOS, service dates?
There have been more than just a few stories on Anti War military and ex military types. My observations are real and on going. Until stats can supersede the observed data that is all we have to go on.
That and Paul's History and that of his supporters. Why are we seeing Paul signs at OWS? At Code Pink Rallies back at the height of the war?
next on your reading list : “WAR IS A RACKET” by Major General Smedley Butler USMC
You're just not a Paul supporter. That's cool. This is America and all. Just quit pretending there's actually something objective behind what you feel and what you "observe."
Already done, years ago.
Thanks for the recommend though...
So no stats...
We fight to defend our homes and the constitution,
Anything else is a racket
Communist China threaten the U.S. as did North Korea and other countries. Would you suggest based on threats, we go to war with them too?
Is China currently threatening the US with nuclear weapons ? No.
Perhaps you should reboot and get yourself updated.
Chinese General Threatens Use of A-Bombs if U.S. Intrudes
Published: July 15, 2005
BEIJING, Friday, July 15 - China should use nuclear weapons against the United States if the American military intervenes in any conflict over Taiwan, a senior Chinese military official said Thursday.
The difference between them and Islamo-Nazi Iran is simple:
Iran is stupid enough to start World War III.
But you said or implied "China nor anyone else did not threaten the US with nuclear weapons" when they have clearly threatened the U.S.
Your comments are inconsistent and convoluted at best.
I take it your home has no electricity and you walk very where and you have found a way with materials naturally found around you to make your house nuclear bomb proof...
Being overseas with a military presence and fighting terrorist or any other tyrants, correctly, IS defending our homes.
Isolationism is no longer an option.
So given this oft quoted by Paul folk and others statement from Jefferson who was instrumental in organizing America's longest standing international treaty while Minister to France (another country) how would you apply this in rectifying our current posture? What would you like to see accomaplsihed?
End the WAR ON TERROR, smart guy!
Of course, the problem that the Galveston crackpot and his servants fail and refuse to recognize is that, if we were ever so foolish as to end our war on terror, terror is sure to take advantage and step up its war on us.
We do not need "honest friendship" with our enemies as Jefferson well recognized by waging his war on the Barbary Pirates. We need to kill them and break their things.
Fat, dumb and defenseless is no way to go through life, Flounder.
Be specific.
And remember the words YOU used in quoting Jefferson...
Do your own homework, pal. I'm not your step-n-fetchit.
So the answer is permanent war?
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