As Speaker - Gingrich pushed conservative principles on a liberal Bill Clinton - with a socialist spouse.
From Wiki:
As a co-author of the 1994 Contract with America, Gingrich was in the forefront of the Republican Party’s dramatic success in that year’s Congressional elections and subsequently was elected Speaker of the House. In 1995, Time magazine named him “Man of the Year” for his role in leading the Republican Revolution in the House, ending 40 years of the Democratic Party being in the majority. During his tenure as Speaker, he represented the public face of the Republican opposition to President Bill Clinton. Under his Speakership, Congress passed and Clinton signed the 1996 reform of welfare, a capital gains tax cut and the first balanced budget since 1969.
He gave his full measure and was pummelled by false ethics charges and back-stabbing GOP colleagues - plus the ubiquitous liberal media.
Newt is a survivor and as POTUS with a loyal VP would be liberated to lead the Nation. Or as VP to a charismatic, equally conservative POTUS - they would be unstoppable. JMHO
Have you seen his picture on a sofa with Nancy Pelosi in unison with man made global warming agenda?
Global warming could be out there for sure but no proof it is man made. Man was only burning twigs last time significant global warming too k place which ended the last ice age.