“Do you know anything about her field and her thesis?”
See Dr. Roth’s extensive discussion of the “birther” evidence against Obama...and her disclosure of her own credentials:
“Perhaps some of you feel like Glenn Beck. If it is proven what can we do anyway? We wouldnt possibly throw him out of office. Shame on Glenn Beck for cashing in like that! I thought Beck had more courage than that! Of course we must have the moral and constitutional courage to do the right thing. We must demand with court discovery that Barack Hussein Obama show his real, long form birth certificate.
“Why has he paid over a million in legal fees to hide all his records, not just some? Why are we not allowed to see any of Obamas college records, passport records or birth records? Could it be that Obama received foreign student money from Indonesia or other foreign places paying his way through college? Why hide your records? Anyone can find my records of my Ph.D. at Oregon State University. My degree is in Counseling which was in the School of Education. My dissertation is in the library and I worked my way through school and got an assistantship to cover the rest. Any questions? There is nothing to hide here.”
No link to the dissertation, eh? That would be interesting to read. Thank you, just trying to do due diligence here.