Why does this have to be an “either/or” situation ?
TBS the U.S. has vast gas reserves! But electricity is the most convenient and distributable power we have. Why not develop cleaner and more applicable nuclear power to provide - not only our own citizens - but the world community with abundant electrical power whose design forstalls any “weaponization” of its fuel ?
And why not use that “gas bonanza” to power motor vehicles in urban areas ? Or provide fertilizer to crop lands to create more food ? >PS
Unfortunately, a "combined cycle" natural gas generating plant beats the pants off nuclear plant costs and generation efficiency. Nuclear just cannot compete with them.
"And why not use that gas bonanza to power motor vehicles in urban areas ?
Actually, the first vehicles to make the change will probably be long-haul trucks. The problem is infrastructure. It's a lot easier to put natgas capacity in a "few" truckstops than to provide same for "urban areas".
"Or provide fertilizer to crop lands to create more food.
Natural gas is already the prime energy source to produce fertilizer.