One area my liberal friends will not discuss with me is this matter of murder (used to be a liberal term called abortion but now it is called choice). I simply do not tip toe around the issue. If the baby is not human at conception, then it has to be either a pig or an acorn. I would agree with them if they can prove to me that if not human, then either a pig or an acorn. That is the fundamental argument - human, pig or acorn. No other choice.
As you stated the scientific method (observe, theorize and then test, test, test)says human, DNA says human, biology says human, all science known to mankind says human. Why not “man up” and admit the baby is human and admit that murder is what the offending liberal is doing.
Denying humanity is what any human must do to rationalize the mass murders that he or she commits. We saw this with Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot and we see it with todays liberals. No excuse. Life does begin at conception, simply check the DNA.
They can call it choice, but that is a deception. The fact is it is called “choice” so you will mentally “look the other way” as they kill a baby the mother does not want. If you think TRUTH, abortion is a horrible thing we allow. Dare not to contemplate the possibility of an infant soul, as you were taught when you were a child.