Good job. I have watched this thread throughout our day here, which has been through the night in the good ol USA. I am sure we will be kicking over a rock reallllll soon and a nasty scorpion is going to come scampering out. I can feel it in my bones. A good man has been slimed number one (and God does not countenance injustices very well), and well, two, there are just too many good internet sleuths here on FR like you and others and throughout the Conservative/Patriot blogosophere to get to the bottom of this character (attempted) assassination.
OK, I'll be back now, after this short toilet break! ;-)
you’re not going to miss anything. I’m not posting any identifications here. If it’s legit, you’ll hear it from Rush or Mark later today. The last thing I need is a crazy lady with lots of money to file some kind of slander charge against a poor, unemployed, conservative blogger.