They are two completely different situations.SarahPac asking for donations to SHOW SUPPORT to push Palin to run while they knew darn well she wasn’t was worse than Bush letting Pelosi bully him and Bush sitting by and being alinskyized.Palin’s long tease was not what this country needed.I still say Palin would be an excellent energy secretary but was called every name in the book for saying this even as Palin was saying she does not need a ‘title.’ Cain has the ability to not let the MSM get to him.Palin didn’t, quite sadly.They destroyed Bush by saying he continued reading to kids on 9/11 and Obama the gaffe machine idiot gets a pass.
Bush made some serious mistakes/wrong moves/whatever. They were more serious than him just being bullied. A number of things that he did that defenders claim was giving into bullying were in fact his own initiatives.
I just assume not get into a long Bush recall on a Cain thread. We can meet on a Bush thread sometime and rehash it.