He knows his place. It’s not on the Demoncratic Plantation.
Yes it's AMAZING how often the left uses projection on their "enemies" as the president calls us.
I think the plantation analogy is actually quite valid, just not in the direction they say.
Plantation = Democratic Party
House Negroes - Black democratic "leaders" who never seem to do anything but run civil rights organizations or hold civil rights positions in government. Black democrats have never given any REAL leadership in that party - they are there to serve the white liberal massas and tell the Field Negroes how good they have it on the Plantation.
Field Negroes - the vast hordes of black Americans who routinely vote democrat regardless of the damage that party has done to the black family, black businesses, black churches, black institutions (the good kind, not the Nation of Islam e.g.) in society.
Runaway Slave - Blacks who dare to live their lives on their own merits and reject the democratic party dogma. Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain are the most prominent examples. There used to be vitriol directed against Colin Powell but he has come back to the Plantation in recent years.