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To: tnye
Cain is toast.

You have been listening to too much Michael Medved. It is too early to know how this will play out for sure. Personally I doubt that this issue is going to hurt Mr. Cain's poll numbers at all. It will definitely increase his name recognition and has already caused his followers to rally to his defense. It is also very possible that black people will sense that just another unfair baseless smear designed to take down one of their own.

I have watched a lot of his interviews and after each I felt he did a good job. If this “controversy” causes more people to actually watch him... it is almost certainly going to help him. Clinton was accused of rape, illicit affairs, intimidation, sex acts with an intern in the oval office and lying about it. Much of the allegations were proven to be true. We don't even know for sure what Mr. Cain has been accused of... the best guess is that he was "insensitive" in some way. And you think this is the end for him? I sure don't want you to be the doctor making my prognosis when I come in for a tummy ache.

51 posted on 11/02/2011 11:44:38 AM PDT by fireman15 (Check your facts before making ignorant statements.)
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To: fireman15
Sorry I forgot the quotes and italics.

“Cain is toast” is from tyne

53 posted on 11/02/2011 11:47:20 AM PDT by fireman15 (Check your facts before making ignorant statements.)
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