But the media has all but destroyed his chances.
That is pure crap. Perry has all but destroyed his chances. I had no idea that the media made up the heartless remark or made up the fact that he supports illegal aliens getting tuition money from tax payers. Sorry but the media had zero to do with Perry’s free fall. And to compare this deeb with Sarah Palin is beyond ridiculous.
The instate tuition assistance for children of illegals is alot about nothing. There are 12 states that offer this tuition discount. 7 of them have republican governors. Texas also gives instate tuition to states that border Texas. They also have to have the means of paying the money back and sign s statement saying they will apply for full US citizenship. And the law affects 1% of the students in Texas colleges. The “heartless” remark was made at one of the liberal smucks that asked him the question during the debate. Perry has been one of the most successful governors in the US for many years. He is well-qualified for the office of the presidency. Alot more qualified than the paper-hanging ward politician that currently resides in the White House. He does not need on the on-the-job training. In terms of experience Sarah Palin is a lightweight compared to Perry, and that goes for any other governor in the country. And, Cain certainly didn’t help matters for Perry when he jumped on the race card the minute he heard liberals raking Perry over the coals for the “racist rock” at the hunting camp. The media has tried to turn Perry into a joke - THE EXACT SAME THING they did to Palin.