Charlie Rangel did serve honorably in Korea. So don’t mock his “korea story.” You can mock his politcal positions or his corruption and even his constituents, but leave his military service out of it. Besides, to mock his service exposes your critique of the congressman to the charge of being mere political rhetoric.
I personally didn’t bring the leftist Rangle’s military service up for ridicule or otherwise,
Many of us served in Korea and were awarded medals for valor and I was one of them, but I didn’t use those medals and that record to get myself a lifetime job.
He is a cad, a rat and a card-carrying member of the Congressional Socialist Club, along with Maxine and host of other traitors. You can be a hero in the 1950’s and a RAT in 2011. I trod the straight and narrow and joined the Oath Takers. Charlie just utters oaths. If the breadth and depth of his treachery were know he’d be just another lying bum.
Gee, just like Jon Carry....