It was a brilliant ad. With one stroke, actually, one puff, I suppose, he gets:
1. The favorable attention of every persecuted smoker in the country, including a lot of Dems and Independents,
2. The favorable attention of everyone who’s fed up with politicians who won’t call BS to all the Politically Correct crap we have to put up with today,
and 3) Free distribution of his ad on both liberal and conservative news outlets as they attempt to dissect it.
Herman Cain: Once flavor of the week, now flavor of the month, soon to be flavor of the season...
“... BS to ll the Politically correct crap...”
Several people I know feel the commercial was a way of saying, “I’m not PC. I don’t hide behind a PC veil”. The “left” can only say so much about this ad since Obummer smokes... or use to smoke... or sometimes smokes.. whatever lie they are putting out this week.