I suspect one of the driving forces behind Romney Jr.'s never ending quest is redeeming the "family name". NOT a good thing, IMHO, and that eagerness may be one of the things that make people instinctively cold in reaction to him. When I look at the guy and listen to him I know there's just something wrong.
None of the others work for me either. Cain speaks well, but his tendency to make proclamations (that he hasn't fully thought through, like 9-9-9) and his lack of experience in office concern me. Perry has a bit of Al Gore in him, maybe as a residue from working for him years ago. No one in the room thinks Gingrich will do anything aside from selling a few more books.
So is an intra-party challenge what's needed here?
Darcy Richardson is at least standing up for his convictions.
And "Operation Chaos" did achieve some of what it set out to do, back in the primaries of 2008.