Why, Oh why do people give credence to Glen? He is a well-read historian, and a so-so radio broadcaster. He switched from Catholicism, to Mormonism. Christianity to paganism, and yet people give him credit for being some kind of voice of sanity.
Obviously you didn't hear his radio show today. He has lost his mind. He thinks he is a modern day prophet and God (or someone) is literally speaking to him, telling him what to do. He is beginning to see himself as some type of “savior”. Jesus is the ONLY savior, Glenn.
agreeing with you, just using your post as a vehicle
doc1019 wrote: “He switched from Catholicism, to Mormonism. Christianity to paganism”
Oh, this is priceless. Glenn Beck is a pagan!
By the way, that is exactly what about a million Americans said about JFK “Catholicism is paganism” and they flat out refused to vote for a Catholic.
This is the same old bigotry just renamed. I am surprised more Catholics are not speaking out against the bigotry.
Rick Perry did not help his cause by having supporters whose motivation is hatred of Mormons. It’s kind of creepy.
I call Harry Reid a MINO (Mormon In Name Only); the members of the LDS Church I know personally are all true blue conservatives.
I wish folks would remember how my Church helped out with passing Prop 8 in CA and the good things my Church stands for . . . instead of posting all that anti Mormon crap.
>>Why, Oh why do people give credence to Glen? He is a well-read historian, and a so-so radio broadcaster. He switched from Catholicism, to Mormonism. Christianity to paganism, and yet people give him credit for being some kind of voice of sanity.<<
Thank you. I love Glenn, I listen to him all the time, but History and research journalism are his forte.
Catholic criticizing Mormom.....pot and kettle.
“He is a well-read historian”
He’s not exactly that either.