I'll go for Marco Rubio anytime...Romney is Romney....this world gives us few choices....
but we need to get rid of bama and biden and their evil minions..
You would replace the kenyan with Romney??? Both will face a Republican Congress 2013 - 2014.
That Congress would balk at kenyan socialism. It would pass Romney socialism which will not be qualitatively different.
After 2 years the kenyan will likely face an even more conservative and Republican Congress. After 2 years Romney will cause the Congress to flip back to Democrat once again.
After 4 ore years of the kenyan the next president will be a Republican, perhaps an actual conservative. After 4 years of Romney in 2016 a farther left and much more competent and dedicated Communist/Democrat will be elected in revulsion against the leftist Romney because conservatives will not vote.
I would not vote for Romney for anything where he might affect any government or social entity. That goes the same for the kenyan.