Posted on 10/25/2011 10:22:04 AM PDT by Free ThinkerNY
Its not every day that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports that the Executive Office of the President violated federal law, but thats the conclusion the GAO released in a report this month, after reviewing bilateral talks with the Chinese government hosted by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).
The White House Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) disputes GAOs conclusion, arguing that the law does not constitutionally apply to the OSTP's diplomatic activities.
The disagreement stems from meetings this past May in which officials from the OSTP met with representatives of the Chinese government to discuss technology innovation and economic issues.
After reviewing the meetings at the behest of Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., the GAO "conclude[d] that OSTPs use of appropriations to fund its participation in the Innovation Dialogue and the [economic issues] violated a section of the Department of Defense appropriations bill that became law in April.
"The plain meaning of section 1340 is clear," wrote GAO general counsel Lynn Gibson, adding that OSTP "contravened the appropriations restriction." The GAO report provided the text of section 1340:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
First thought was that he is giving China technology as did Traitor Clinton.
At least it is only wasted money.
Like this administration ever cared about ANY law. What is anyone gonna DO about it? Send him a letter?
The Constitution is nothing to this president. What honor should he give to laws pursuant to that superseded Constitution?
Another day, another law violated by this bunch.
His regime violates his own law? Gotta love it.
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