>The way I put the same point is that Cains sin is that he actually answers the question the best he can, without changing the subject or providing a canned answers.
>It gets him into little bits of trouble, but that he can get out of because people believe him.
I think you got it exactly right. He’s not a slick liar like Mittens. The 999 plan, while flawed, is still a concrete proposal and thinking outside the box. He’s not afraid to try out new ideas and work through them to come up with something simple and common-sense. That’s what a good CEO does.
I think Cain’s biggest problem (along with the MSM and RINO-SM (Fox)) is his lack of campaign money compared the flexible Mitt Gumby. It’s up to us in the trenches of America to pull him through. The country-club RINOs are all about Mittens and to hell with the country.
Cain's foreign policy....
With clarity, identify enemies....
...and stop giving them money.
(works also for all enemies both foreign and domestic)