It is time we closed all our bases, brought all our troops home.
Let Europe burn as they created such a Parasitic Society they need to cleanse it themselves.
For too long we have kept the world at peace so the silly leftists could grow Parasite Nation while we spent our treasures keeping them from killing each other.
It is time to end it and watch them self destruct.
We are just as doomed as Europe. Look at SS and Medicare. Grandpa will cut your GD throat the minute you talk about cutting him off the welfare juice. And it IS welfare. Think about that for a moment — even on THIS website!!!, probably half the posters talk about gramps deserving all that cash, because “he worked his whole life and paid into the system.” Never mind that for the last 10,000,000,000 years any “conservative” who could read could go to any one of a billion different sources and find that a huge majority of SS recipients get ALL their contributions back, WITH INTEREST in X amount of years, but live for X plus Y years (and Y is a big number). Welfare plain and simple, and it WILL destroy this country.