I was s Sarah guy, now a Herminator, a man with some rookie mistakes, but no real character flaws.
Herman is too trusting of anyone in the media and they all set him up with softball questions, leading him, like a rookie into the woodshed.
He is learning but what I really like about him is when he screws the pooch, he admits it, apologizes and puts it behind.
I never had an opinion about perry until he was in the debates and then decided, obummer would beat him like a red-headed stepchild, he is soft on ILLEGAL ALIENS, and he is a career politician, with all that comes with that.
You two are very conservative, it's time to pick a different horse, this one has thrown a shoe and picked up a foot bruise.
I dunno..i still am waiting on something...not sure what..but none of them have ‘it’. Don’t get me wrong..I will walk on broken glass to vote for any of them over Obama(except Romney...not sure what I’ll do if he gets the nod). I just pray that they will all stop going after each other and go after OBAMA and the democrats!