John, we have a Constitutional mandate to protect our border and Geneva does not override that. Period.
If someone wants to violate our border, they should get whatever level of force, lead electricity or sharks with friggin lazer beams on their heads required to keep them the hell out. Period.
You want to coddle them? Be my guest. If we ever elect a President with the huevos to do his/her job as the law of the land mandates, you exercise your right to picket the Full length armed fence and support the illegals there too.
We are being invaded by a non uniformed army. Millions are here now. THat is an invasion.
Answer this. If we arm the fence and the illegals clearly see that, whose fault is it if they die trying to cross?
You simply cannot shoot unarmed people. The Geneva Accords outlaw it. Your comment that Mexico is shooting people crossing their border is untrue. An interview by Wolf Blitzer of President Calderon of Mexico:
BLITZER: From the Washington Times Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to reenter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.
Blitzer Is that true?
CALDERON: It was true, but it is not anymore. We derogate or we erased that part of the law. Actually, the legal immigration is not a is not a crime in Mexico. Not anymore, since one year ago. And that is the reason why we are trying to establish our own comprehensive public policy talking about, for instance, immigrants coming from Central America