Rick Perry is the Fred Thompson of 2012. Call me a sucker. I bit on Thompson in 2008 and Perry two months ago. Luckily both of them were such sad candidates that they faded meteorically fast. The difference this year is that conservatives can rally on Cain vs Romney instead of having to rally on Romney vs McCain. And there is no Mike Huckabee to cover the flank for the Establishment candidate. If Cain doesn’t self destruct and pays some respect to fund-raising (which he will have no trouble with if he comes out and asks) he can walk away with the nomination. The sooner the Bachmans, Santorums, Perrys and Gingrichs quit the better. If they stay in they allow Romney a chance at delegates in moderate and crossover voting states. If they quit early Cain runs away with it leaving more time and money in 2012 to beat up the real bad guys.
Yep, this will show who truly has the best interests of the nation at heart.