Just a FYI that the pic going around of a guy pooping on the flag was from an anti-war rally, not the OWS rally.
Not the troops but Drudge has a video of a Portland, OR band playing F*$k the USA.
I got it via facebook. here’s a link because it has a swear...
No, I haven’t.
But I attended the Occupy San Francisco rally yesterday and heard some random fleabaggers talking about how much to cut the defense budget — some said 50 percent and others 80 percent.
One speaker said the DoD wouldn’t need the money if our military was only used for defensive purposes. Yes, that’s what she said.
I have LOTS of pics — may have to post my own thread for some of those.
Going to NY tonight, maybe even to Wall Street with camera in hand.
There was one guy there wearing a military uniform and wheel hat (Marine I think, not really sure) with a megaphone — ranting about people needing to eat organic food and avoid flouridated water, and other gibberish. He was just some nut, apparently. I don’t think people quite knew what to make of him.
Has anyone seen an "Occupy" mob with an American flag?