That's not my experience. I grew up in the high church wing of Anglicanism and lo, how they have fallen, through bending over backwards to tolerate the intolerable.
As a Catholic, I find that we conservatives are always tugging at our clergy to go kick some butt, and they keep saying they are sent to the lost sheep. The last 40 or so years of Catholicism have been an exercise in toleration to the extent of doctrinal, moral, and even liturgical limpness. Praise God, before I die we may see, as I think we are seeing, some correction of that.
When I spoke of the “shepherd sheep relationship”, there is more I could have gone into to explain what I meant. The American Episcopalians for example in their high councils have set the church in a direction that denies the deity of Christ and questions his resurrection as well as allows practising homosexuals to be priests and Bishops.
The churches on the local level and their individual laity are told to accept these evil changes or lump them and 1000 congregations have gone aheaad and lumped them, seeking affiliations with more biblically conservative Anglican associations such as one in Africa I’ve read about. Some of the reprisals have been very vicious with one Lady Bishop Kennedy saying on record that she would rather sell the buildings of dissenting Episcopalians to “Baptists or saloons”. One such dissenting church offered to buy the building in Binghamton, NY but their offer was refused in favor of a low ball offer to a group which then turned the church into a Mosque!
What would local Catholics do in this day and age should the upper command structure of the Catholic church become so corrupted that some liberal Pope and groups of Cardinals want to take the whole of the church completely away from sound Christian values with little or no options in opposing such moves (with complete censure and legally inforced lock down of those churches that would openly resist such corruption)? Would another Martin Luther arise?