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To: narses

“Really? Why? That is like assuming that because hundreds of Baptists every year (or more) get arrested for drunk driving that drunk driving is a Baptist custom. If it was a policy of the Institutional Church, then it would have been adopted as such. Can you show anywhere that such a policy was adopted as official Church policy?”

Due to the opening information of the post, “Full headline: 300,000 babies stolen from their parents - and sold for adoption: Haunting BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain”

I hope you are right and the Catholic Church was not involved in the adoptions. It is difficult to believe for an average of 6000 times a year hospital workers were able to get around hospital bureaucracy and administration and were able to transfer babies and parenthood. I hope that you and the other individual replying to my comments and POV are correct, it was merely personal sins of individuals and much like a Baptist (of which I am not) getting arrested for drunk driving. However, all is required for a drunk driving Baptist is a drunk Baptist and a car. However for 300,000 unauthorized adoptions to take place over 50 years with just a nurse circumventing procedures and personnel takes more scheming than Baptists being arrested for drunk driving.
To RECAP my POV, I hope the adoptions were by individuals and NOT the Catholic Church. I am not a Catholic but do get tired of the Catholic bashing. Although NOT a Catholic, I was personally offended by the first comment. I merely stated in my first comment, the information did not seem to be based on lies.

55 posted on 10/16/2011 1:14:16 PM PDT by texteacher
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To: texteacher
It is difficult to believe for an average of 6000 times a year hospital workers were able to get around hospital bureaucracy and administration and were able to transfer babies and parenthood.
I agree, the VERACITY of the story is certainly in question. The reporter has a clear, documented bias. That bias may well have allowed her to take a few isolated allegations and spin them into this screed.
61 posted on 10/16/2011 3:15:00 PM PDT by narses (what you bind upon earth, shall be bound also in heaven; and what you loose upon earth, shall be ..)
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