Posted on 10/14/2011 10:20:45 PM PDT by Beowulf9
The Obama administration cut a major planned benefit from the 2010 health-care law on Friday, announcing that a program to offer Americans insurance for long-term care was simply unworkable.
Although the program had been dogged from the start by doubts about its feasibility, its elimination marks the first time the administration has backed away from a key piece of President Obamas signature legislative achievement.
Republican critics of the law immediately said the decision proved that the legislation is unsound and unsustainable. Every major GOP presidential candidate has pledged to work to repeal it.
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Well, crap, I never wanted to live beyond my usefulness anyway. Despite all my years of useful service to humanity, I always wished that when my usefulness to society was over, my government would abandon me.
So they going to tax the same, but take this bennie out... that figures. Rat smoke and mirrors all the way.
Gummit not your friend anyhow. It can turn on you as quickly as its fickle finger of fate identified you for an entitlement. Better to have a loyal dog.
I don’t see how the government could offer such a program and remain solvent. Other parts of this legislation are just as budget busting.
Face it we are all getting old.
Just Obama shafting the American public as usual. In this case, the elderly, one of his ideological targets as part of his Marxist agenda.
Obamacare is a total disaster upon America. This is the bare beginning of more lies, corruption, more taxation, and a collapsing medical industry and medical service.
Who saw that coming? /s
How can the administration just “eliminate” part of a law passed by Congress, without going back to Congress to change the law?
What law will The Won ignore next?
The program hasn’t even begun yet and they’re already gutting it to save money. When it finally goes into effect you’ll get an aspirin and an Army cot no matter what your complaint is. “Please take it home with you we have no room here for you.”
More taxes and reduced benefits, sounds like a plan any good bureaucrat could come up with and Congress would pass it, no problem.
I don’t see how Obama can back away from a program passed by Congress; isn’t this the same as the “sequestering of funds” way back in Nixon’s time and a separation of power issue? He wanted it, he’s got it ,to his everlasting chagrin.
I don’t t think there are any laws that apply to the liar-Iin-chief.
Not only that but the Dems used this as a ‘savings’ in the healthcare bill because they were gonna use the money right up front. They used a figure of like $80 billion, not sure on that figure. So they lied.....again.
Not only that but the Dems used this as a ‘savings’ in the healthcare bill because they were gonna use the money right up front. They used a figure of like $80 billion, not sure on that figure. So they lied.....again.
What’s next for all us old people? “Soylent Green”??? I’m old and would really prefer to die in my own bed when my time comes. Hopfully, I will live out my days under a different President. This one has played hell with my Blood Pressure since the day he took the Oath of Office!
It’s all a lie, a sham and a fraud. 0bamaCare will destroy healthcare, the insurance industry and the economy. There will be nothing left of any of it but a rotten shell.
I feel the same way. Government takeover of everything all at once. The Insurance industry is a biggie.
Think about Medicare fraud which I believe is something like 45% of the total expenses. Now apply that to 0bamaCare for every citizen (and then some) in the U.S.. Health care, per person, will actually cost far more than it does now. But health care personnel will make much less and the quality of care will plummet. That monstrous debt will dwarf the debt burdens we have now that are already considered unsustainable. 0bamaCare is a national suicide bill.
That’s all I could find on it and it states $2 bil and that the CBO used that figure to make the healthcare law revenue neutral. Apparently this part of the law was used by the Dems all along to skew the numbers for the law.
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