All systems will have some element of evasion/fraud. Our current system is rife with it.
23% is not bad if you pay no income taxes and make the same money you make today.
I’m not judging based on personal gain of any of the systems.
But under the Fair Tax I think I’d do worse vs. today’s system (assuming I actually spend everything I make...which I don’t). So I guess it would be ok. But then my State would need to switch to a higher sales tax as well as the income tax wouldn’t be viable. So that 23% would be more like 33% (assuming an 10% sales tax for the state).
Still not saying that’s a killer, but man that is inviting black markets. The 999 plan is better to me as it will reduce fraud and it doesn’t tax any one area of our economy with stifling high rates.
But just about anything is better than today’s system (even though I probably pay less under todays system). Today’s system is pay to play...Company/Union/People pay lobbyist. Lobbyist pays Politician. Politician passes laws giving company/union/people money from the tax coffers. Repeat cycle.
Fair tax fixes this as does a true flat tax (no deductions) and the 999 plan. Of course they will still lobby but it will be more transparent what they are getting as it will hit the governments budget as a payout and not hidden in a tax loophole.
But according to Boortz the 999 plan is a transition to the Fair tax. So if one prefers the Fair Tax, I’d think they’d support the 999 plan.