What a shock when I moved this fifth generation Texan relocated to Georgia and experienced a BBQ. Having very little experince outside the Lone Star State I assumed all BBQs involved beef. I was absolutely shocked to see white meat (pork) under the sauce.
Brisket is next to impossible to find! Oh how I miss brisket and Tex- Mex food.
The upside, during our town’s annual BBQ cook off, I am given brisket free as the locals will not eat it, much less buy it.
Everybody I know lines up for my Texas brisket and I’m in Memphis. I grew up in NJ. Go figure.
I've had BBQ brisket at several GA BBQ places, and I like it fine, but I can't think of another cut of beef that would improved by smoking. A smoked tenderloin would seem to me to be turned into shoe leather.
But I am no BBQ bigot, I am willing to learn! What other beef products are used in Texas BBQ?