Absolutely—I almost mentioned Thomas in that post. I clearly recall how his comment about ‘uppity blacks’ was completely dismissed across the board, as if it were simply ridiculous and the dems couldn’t POSSIBLY be racist. Most of the commentators didn’t understand he was not talking about the traditional concept of an ‘uppity black’ (one standing up for his civil rights or ‘talking back’ to ANY white), but the idea that ANY black man having his OWN opinion that didn’t fit with what blacks were ‘supposed to’ think and say was what made him that in the eyes of the establishment libs.
Clarence Thomas’s on-air savaging was meant as a warning to any black person who dared be an individual, truly free to have his/her own thoughts as any white is allowed.
O’Donnell neatly exposes his and the left’s racism by the mere fact that he would never ask any white candidate similar questions. There’s not even a question that he would ask any white if he or she should be ‘grateful’.
If you watched Thomas’s comment about it being “a high teck lynching” the dems were struck dumb and quiet...Thomas got the post and they had nothing that they could say after that...The look on the democrats was a sight to behold...and such great talkers those lib senators are...:O)