The Voter Values is a delicate balance between believers who are politically active. Pastor Jeffress should have been a bit more politically astute. Bennett was right that Jeffress did Rick Perry no good.
I do wish that Romney had not pointed out that one of the speakers who was to follow him (Bryan Fischer) was an example of hate.
This is not an issue of bigotry. Its an issue of defining how important faith is in the election, he said. And this issue is not going away. It will continue to be a discussion up until November 2012.
Here's where Jefress blows it. Not in the first statement, which, although not politically savvy for a general works for Evangelicals during a primary, nor his follow up stating he acted independently of Perry. It's the last statement.
It is totally inside baseball and spin to pretend it's not bigotry. If it remains a discussion point deep into next year Obama will be re-elected.
Wars of religion will turn off the voters. A lot of dumb things and contradictory opinions can be made during the primary. If it ends up in the general it will cost us the election.