There is this one black lady at the gym who used to watch Ed Schultz everyday when he was at the 6pm time slot. I would listen in while Ed would rant to her (viewers) that the Tea Party is racist and hates blacks. Now they have Al Sharton at that time, he was hired because they wanted someone to defend Obama , even from the left. They tried liberal Cyenk for two months but he was complaining about Obama selling out too much.
I once talked to this woman and she said that she hates FNC (which is usually on at the same gym too) and she was glad they got rid of Glenn Beck who was on just before that timeslot.
FNC which I call the Republican channel has the good stuff to work with now, They have Fast and Furious and Solyndra. MSNBC just has Obama's 'jobs' speeches and the Wall Street protests,
Now Becks hosts shows from his own network... Strange she would hate Beck when he was joined by Martin Luther King's niece and other black leaders in the Christian community at his rally in DC..those that marched with King. Loved Cain's comment in response to "that old crooner" what's his name" that he, being Cain, had "left the plantation" controlled by Democrats. To bad these people are so brain washed but they still make up a minority of viewers; however you are correct in that they spread the word as such to the dumb and dumber and/or haters around them. Obama has raised racism, antisemitism, class envy to a new level, do they give a Nobel Prize for that??