Thx. Anything for Unix? I just put Ubuntu on the machine, but not sure what to do with it...
>>Thx. Anything for Unix?
Eclipse also has a windoze flavor.
Java either way... if that’s your inclination.
The great thing about linux is that you can learn about Unix-style programming and administration without the (normally) high expense of a Unix system. You can start with Kernigan & Ritchie “The C Programming Language” at your local bookstore (creators of the C programming language). Or any number of programming books.
You can also learn Pearl, Ruby, Java, C++, Fortran, take your pick. Get a book on shell programming and/or system administration. Install GRASS and learn GIS. Install GIMP and learn photo manipulation. Install Eclipse and have a very programmer friendly Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to learn any of these. Or just use vi and the gcc.
Except for learning Unix-y ways of doing things, most of these are also available for Windows as well. There are so many free tools available, that anyone with the drive and desire can learn a lot w/o stepping in a classroom. You could probably dumpster-dive and put together a working server farm with some of the tools available on Linux flavors.