Posted on 10/06/2011 6:00:29 AM PDT by Ravnagora
PRISTINA, KOSOVO The trial of seven Kosovars accused of participating in an international organ trafficking ring opened here Tuesday.
The suspects are accused of luring victims from Turkey and former Communist countries to Pristina to sell their kidneys with false promises of payments of up to 15,000, or nearly $20,000.
The recipients, according to the indictment, paid between 80,000 and 100,000 for the organs.
The case has threatened to tarnish the image of the new country as it struggles to establish international credibility three years after declaring independence, and as it seeks integration into the European Union.
But the case is also a test of Kosovos efforts to build a culture of accountability before the law. Lawlessness is seen as endemic here and most Kosovars assume that corrupt officials will never be punished.
The proceedings were being run by Eulex, the European Unions rule of law mission in Kosovo. In a shabby courtroom of the Pristina District Court, a three-member panel of Polish, American and Kosovar judges, along with international and Kosovar defense lawyers and prosecutors, heard the opening statement by a Eulex organized crime prosecutor.
The black market in the removal and illegal transplant of human organs to others for the sole purpose of profit is an exploitation of the human condition in its most basic form, the prosecutor, Jonathan Ratel, said. It is the cruel harvest of the human person.
The seven defendants sitting in the courtroom are tied to the private Medicus Clinic in a rundown neighborhood of Pristina. Five are medical personnel, one is the owners son, who ran the clinic, and another is a senior official at Kosovos Health Ministry, who is accused of issuing an illegal invitation letter for the victims...
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They aren’t Kosovars. They are Muzzies!
Was there organ trafficing in Kosovo when Serbia had political control over the province?
....The case has threatened to tarnish the image of the new country [sic!] as it struggles to establish international credibility three years after declaring independence, and as it seeks integration into the European Union.....
Albanian-occupied Kosovo is NOT a country!!!! It is a criminal conspiracy, built on stealing land that belongs to someone else—the Serbs!!!! “Kosovar” “courts” are corrupt, and cannot deliver justice. And the chief victims of Shiptar organ-”harvesting”, the kidnapped Kosovo Serbs, are not even mentioned in these “trials”.
Albanian “Kosovars” are abject savages who practice cannibalism (i.e., organ-”harvesting”, which is a form of cannibalism). The ENTIRE Kosovo Albanian society is implicated, not just those on “trial”. Either they perpetrated these horrific crimes or they benefit from them!
ONLY the return of the Serbian army and police, pursuing a vigorous military campaign to drive the Shiptars back into Albania, can bring justice!!!!
Regarding your questions about whether there was organ-traffiking when Kosovo was under “Serbian rule”:
My guess would be “no”.
There are ethnic Albanians (Christian and Muslim) that preferred Serbian “rule” over Albanian rule. These, of course, were also victims of the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army).
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