Cain/Rubio would be a strong ticket.
Newt as liason to congress (whatever post that would be)
Palin as Sec. of Energy
Let Perry keep Texas going strong. That’s a very important state.
Let Romney run the Olympics if it ever comes back here....
I would like that too. Just to go out on a limb, what do you think Cain saying something like "If I'm elected, I would appoint Sarah Palin as Sec. of Energy". How would that resonate? Negative or positive?
As for my preference, I am with Cain right now but, like so many others, want to see how the rest of the debates go.
If Cain is to be the nominee, he'll need a senior Republican household name on the ticket with him, preferably someone with long service in the Senate for "gravitas". (Last time that word got tossed around a lot was when the MediaRats were talking GOP Establishmentarians into backing Dole -- and then sniggering all the way to the bank as the Stupid Party fell for it.)
I'm also doubtful about Rubio's citizenship status. I think he may not be the constitutional "natural-born citizen" that Article II requires of the Presidency.