Someone should a study on the the abusive element of the PDS’ers. Palin supporters never fire the first shot.
Serious? They used to ‘open fire’ on me every single time I (correctly) pointed out that she was obviously not running.
Palin supporters never fire the first shot.
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HA!!! Now you are lying to yourself as well.
Tell me, how does it feel to have your goddess betray you?
BTW, still waiting for the answer to my question...are you calling Palin a liar? She said she isn’t running yet you don’t believe her. Why is that?
FWIW, I checked your posting history and there is no indication that you are using sarcasm in your posts.
Well this was a dream killer for sure. I can’t say that I blame Sarah for not running, but I sure do feel sorry for myself. For the first time since Reagan I was excited about a politician. I was actually looking forward to finally getting to vote FOR someone that I thought would be a great president. Now? There is not a one of those running that I could ever vote for. I have studied each one of them and there is not a one (possible exception Newt) who has a clue about being president. A bunch of losers. So what am I to do? I’m too old now to dream that America can be saved. I was so praying that I would live to see America restored. Guess not. I’ll be doing something else on election day.
You are either lying or out of it. Some but certainly not all of Palinistas were the most aggressive AHs here you can imagine. They were constantly name calling and some calling for zotting of anyone that didnt post the exact words they wanted to see.
Then the new aggressive gang the Perry-dactus moved in. Their bottom fell out, until this.