In Texas - I think the rules for admission are based on High School class rank.
If you go to a minority/hispanic school =- pretty easy to come in top 25% - or whatever the magic cutoff point is.
Not FORMAL minority advantage - but an intentional mechanism to help lower performing minorities gain admission.
You were right to jump the comment - but Texas has some odd rules that - in practice - assist lower performing minorities.
This is a misrepresentation of the facts and you know it.
The net effect of strategic behavior is to slightly decrease minority students representation in the pool
What part of DECREASE do you not understand?
I see you didn’t take the reading lessons suggested.
There is NOTHING wrong with the quote you have. It is accurate.
“The net effect of strategic behavior is to slightly decrease minority students representation in the pool”
The point is - the quote refers to the effect of STRATEGIC BEHAVIOUR. Not the overall program.
As soon as 5 white kids go to Black school, and displace 5 Black kids who WOULD HAVE been in the top 10% of their class - the “net effect of this STRATEGIC BEHAVIOR has resulted in lower minority representation.”
This has very little to so with the merits and effects of the overall program. The quote is correct - and specific - “Strategic Behaviour” is the subject of the quote.
If you want to make your point - go back and show that Strategic Behaviour is common and widespread. It has to reach about 3-5% of minority school population in order to counteraffect the racist intent of the “10% rule”.
If 3% of minority schools are white kids gaming the system - you get to the edge of making a point. At which point - I would just say - next time racists try to game the system with things like the 10% rule - better pay attention to unintended consequences.
My bet is - you are too lazy to look for the data. My other bet is - “Strategic Behaviour” has been studied for just this propaganda tactic. I bet you can’t find 50 examples.
265,000 Texas students/grade. 14% Black, 49% Hispanic, 33% White. You need THOUSANDS of kids doing “Straategic Behaviour” to make a dent in these numbers.
Maybe you can expand on the point - since the Whites are a minority - why they have the 10% rule in the first place?