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To: maine-iac7; Norm Lenhart; Cincinatus' Wife
I actually have a working theory that Cincinatus' Wife is actually an anti-Perry campaigner. She has almost single handedly turned a certain section of FR against Perry by a) a deluge of quasi propaganda and b) refusing to respond to simple questions about Perry (and an acerbic riposte that avoids the question is NOT a response). Which makes people wonder a lot about the candidate, and brings negative attention to him. There is a saying from my country of birth that says 'a good thing sells itself because it is obvious to all and sundry that it is good, but a bad thing has to aggressively push itself down peoples' throats because it would not be bought otherwise' (kizuri chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza). Perry's people have been pushing him a tad too aggressively, at certain times seeming like a weird amalgamation of an old school snakeoil salesman and a mid 60s Soviet propagandist. Huge turn off. And whenever someone asks hard questions one of them on another thread (I am not sure if it was C's Wife) actually brought her gender into the debate (I am a woman). Geez. Highly liberal tactics.

On this thread C's Wife said Perry is better than Palin. I am surprised no one has yet asked for her to explain why that is the case.

Anyways, putting it all togetherId surmise that C's Wife is actually, incognito, an anti-Perry advocate. Trying to build up tacit revulsion against Perry through her tactics. Like driving a Ford Explorer fitted with Firestone tires down a ravine in 1999-2000 to show how 'safe' things are. Negative attention. If I was heading Perry's campaign I would send a polite message asking for the 'assistance' to stop. Some 'assistance' can be a hindrance, and it is not for nothing that a good number of FReepers consider Perry as much a RINO (albeit with a slightly smaller horn) as Romney

162 posted on 10/05/2011 3:38:34 AM PDT by spetznaz (Nuclear-tipped Ballistic Missiles: The Ultimate Phallic Symbol)
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To: spetznaz

What exactly happened in Texas, I wonder? They voted for him 3 times.

170 posted on 10/05/2011 3:44:46 AM PDT by ari-freedom (I'm a heartless conservative because I love this country.)
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To: spetznaz; Cincinatus' Wife
I actually have a working theory that Cincinatus' Wife is actually an anti-Perry campaigner. She has almost single handedly turned a certain section of FR against Perry by a) a deluge of quasi propaganda and b) refusing to respond to simple questions about Perry (and an acerbic riposte that avoids the question is NOT a response). Which makes people wonder a lot about the candidate, and brings negative attention to him.

Spot on! CW never answers my questions about Perry's illegal immigration policies and his calling us "heartless" for not wanting to pay for illegals college education. THAT is not a conservative stance!

390 posted on 10/05/2011 7:43:26 AM PDT by CAluvdubya (Cain 2012........)
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