“Cain has No government experience at all which is not going to mesh at all with the how government works. “
That’s what advisers are for. :)
Advisers are fine when you’re not stepping into a firefight, an economic earthquake, and a congress which is more than stalled. It will not be the time to “ask” how can we get this done, or be in the learning curve mode while the boat is sinking.
CAin’s company permoted him to a position of bringing failing pizza shops Because he had shown he knew HOW to do that, as well as ‘navigate the terrain’ he would be stepping into. He had proved himself capable for the task. Then he began purchasing those as he went along.....but he had to know the terrain. Cain does not know Washingtons Terrain.....it would be like promoting him to Captain of a Great Ocean Liner when he hasn’t yet steered a dingy thru rough waters.