When will they be called obstructionist?
When will they be called obstructionist?
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Long as they can ‘blame’ the R’s, it will never happen.
The R’s should be ‘shouting from the rooftops’ to get this thing moving, so as ‘we’ can please the President.
Let some one come down on ‘Whispering Harry’. Of course, don’t hold your breath till either of the above take place.
Like someone had said a while back, take BO’s ‘bill’, pass it as written and when it fails, the blame can only sit in one place.
If it doesn’t fail, you can claim that without your help it never would have happened.
YOU KNOW, do like the D’s do.
However, change one comma and you have ‘revised’ his effort and he and ‘they’ will get away with blaming the R Congress for messing up.