I went to greatschools dot org and this is the page for Houston
Then I went to Houston Elementary School, it is rated a 5 out of 10
94 percent Hispanic, 48 percent state average Hispanic
91 percent economically disadvantaged
$7,535 per year cost of each student
91 percent economically disadvantaged? Is this the governor we want for a president?
Ill check out another school, looks like they are all named Houston Elementary School.
Rated 4 out of 10
95 percent Hispanic
88 percent economically disadvantaged
Ill check out Houston High School
Rated 3 out of 10
39 percent Hispanic, 3 percent white
91 percent economically disadvantaged
Dang, doesnt look like Houston is doing so good with the economically disadvantaged.
I want this guy as my president Not!
I found that site by accident a few years ago, and IMO it is fantastic. You can tell more about a city, state, or even a Rep's District, from the info on that website than from all the BS shoveled by any/all politicians combined.
I usually run to it when the race hustlers start the nonsense about 'inner city schools' not getting enough money compared to the suburbs. And natch, they're always lying.