The fecal matter is not just from the field hands and is usually from animal feces besides that, washing in a chlorine solution is not organic. In fact the green weenies wish to see the use of chlorine banned.
Nature is perfectly capable of dealing with weak solutions of bleach, which decomposes into common salt.
Food grade H2O2 is fine for use with organic farmers and does the job.
I am not a liberal but I believe that conservative principles in farming are important. GMOs fly in the face of nature and the God of nature. For those who think all the food we get in this Country is fine why are so many diseases on the increase in such a big way.
I think we need to go back to doing things the way God intended. The LORD gave commandment for the land to completely rest every seven years. It got the Israelites into huge trouble when they disobeyed that one.
Americans could spend more money and thought on eating more healthy and less on so much entertainment, really expensive cars and great big houses, that is if we did what was best for us (and there is no law against actually doing what is best for ourselves and our families). It doesn't mean that we should be forced to do so but rather that we should be intelligent enough to do so.
Agriculture should be one of our top priorities like it was before the industrial revolution. Modern conveniences are nice but what good do they do you if you are sick? Our economy would do better if we once again were an agriculture based economy rather than being based on how fast and furiously we can build big new houses to satisfy our huge materialistic egos. I grew up with conservative grandparents. Many do not know what it really means to be conservatives.
The big government people would like to take away our rights as individuals to grow and raise our own food if we choose to do so. If they can make us dependent on huge farm factories that put out GMO products they have us where they want us. In order to control us all they need to do is control our food and make sure that we have to get it from them. Even seeds that actually reproduce cannot be obtained from GMO fruits and vegetables. You couldn't even harvest them to grow if things got tough enough so that you had to.
It has gotten so bad that in Wisconsin a judge just said it is illegal for a farmer or his family to drink milk from his own cows. Talk about taking our freedoms away, yes, it starts with food and medicine. All you people who are satisfied with mass produced food be careful because the government can control you through it. It is wise for Conservatives, as much as possible, to become independent of societal needs for food, water and heating so that society doesn't have such a strong arm control over us.