James Baker, who reputedly said "F... the Jews. They don't vote for us," was not "your old grandfather's Republican." Even if that purported Baker remark is true (it is merely attributed to him by no less a 'Rat partisan than Ed Koch, who certainly wasn't present at the time Baker is alleged to have said it), it should be noted that Baker was a Democrat for most of his life, and likely during "your old grandfather's" time as well. And the vast majority of even more blatant antisemitic and anti-Israel remarks and actions from American political figures, especially over the last several decades, have been made by Democrats. Republicans haven't been "stealing" Jewish votes, it's more like many Jews have determined that the Democratic Party is more acquiescent to Jew-haters in its midst.
As for Salmon Rushdie, who "disagreed that Obama is losing Jewish support and cited a recent PPP poll that supported his position," Rushdie, a resident of the UK, would be unlikely to know that PPP is just a propaganda arm of the very same Democratic Party. Any poll that comes out with a result that Obama is going to win 76 percent of the Jewish vote in Florida next year has got to be severely flawed, from an objective point of view. Given that PPP is the pollster, it's hardly surprising that this distorted result comes on the heels of Debbie Wasserman Schultz's smug statements about Florida's Jews' love of Obama.
I never knew “The Jews” were the DOP’s property or that it’s possible for the Republicans or anyone else to “steal” humans by getting them to vote for their party. The Republicans persuaded free, intelligent people to switch allegiances, the same way that both Jews and blacks began switching their traditional allegiance during the 1930s from the Republican Party to the Democrats, even though the Democratic Party was at that time the party of Jim Crow, KKK muscle to keep “those people” from the poles, and the party that looked the other way whenever there was a lynching to be done.
The fact that Bill Maher is so clueless as to why we’ve been switching that he can only say “somehow” only indicates how far gone Democrats like Bill Maher are. The fact that he regards us as the human chattels of the DOP indicates how utterly hopeless they always were.
Republicans have something to offer Jews: values that are not contrary to the letter and spirit of the Torah, the vision of America as a meritocracy rather than a mediocracy, and an attempt at genuine friendship and support for the Jewish Homeland. It is a far better offer than that which the Democrats have made: inverted, sick values, affirmative action quotas forever to ensure a level playing field for playing utterly meaningless games, and fake, manipulative bullying of the Jewish State in the name of a supposed friendship that more resembles an abusive relationship than any true alliance.
I wish that Republicans had stolen the Jews. That so many continue to support for the ‘Rat Party goes against all logic and common sense.